As there are currently two options to subscribe to our Program - through the App Store/Google Play and through our website, please follow these instructions to cancel your subscription accordingly.
In case you have used our website to sign up for the Bellabeat+ Subscription, please fill out this form with the email used and we will proceed with the cancellation accordingly.
In case you have signed up for the Bellabeat+ Membership through the App Store, we would kindly suggest that you request cancellation as instructed HERE.
If you have an Android and you have subscribed and entered your payment details through the Google Play Store, please find instructions on how to request the cancellation HERE.
The Subscription info section is also available on the Settings page within the Bellabeat app which includes these cancellation details as well.
Please note that the subscription charge, if applied after the trial period or already paid for subscription period has passed, is non-refundable. In case you wish to opt-out of the Bellabeat Subscription, please cancel 24 hours before the end of the trial period or automatic subscription renewal so no further charges are applied.
*All subscriptions that have not been requested to cancel based on these instructions, cannot be refunded in case of a charge if the trial period has expired. The cancellation of the subscription is possible up until 24 hours before its charge or renewal.