Cancelation within the free trial period
Your subscription can be canceled up to 24 hours before the free trial expires, otherwise, you will be charged for the period that you have subscribed for.
Cancelation after the trial period has ended
You can cancel your subscription at any time within the period your subscription is valid. If you request the cancelation of the subscription within that period, up to 24 hours before your subscription is automatically renewed, you will not be charged upon its end, however, you will not be refunded for the already purchased subscription.
For more information on canceling the Subscription, please refer to this article - How can I cancel my Subscription.
Please note that the subscription charge, if applied after the trial period or already paid for subscription period has passed, is non-refundable. In case you wish to opt-out of the Bellabeat Subscription, please cancel 24 hours before the end of the trial period or automatic subscription renewal so no further charges are applied.