Your Leaf or Time will track your activity in the form of steps and your active time during the day. To have your device track your steps, there is nothing that you need to do other than wearing it and sync.
You will first need to set your goal in steps or active time. If you choose your goal in steps, you will see your steps for today on the app’s home screen. If you opt for a goal in active time, you will see your active time for today on the app’s home screen.
Note: You will be awarded active time only if you have been continuously making steps for at least 5 minutes as this is the time necessary to get your heart pumping faster and have a positive effect on your cardiovascular health.
Your activity ribbon will display either your number of steps for today or your active time for today. You can tap on your activity ribbon to see your data in more detail.
Once you are on the activity page, you will see a graph with your daily steps. You can slide your finger across the graph to get more details about your data.
Under the graph displaying your steps, you will see 5 cards that you can slide across. The first card will show how close you are to hitting your goal today.
If you swipe left once, you will see the total number of steps that you have taken today, along with the 7-day average of your steps.
Swipe left one more time to reveal your active time for today, along with your 7-day active time average.
Keep swiping left to see the distance that you covered today and your 7-day distance average.
One last swipe to the left will reveal the number of calories burned today. Here, you will see your total calories, active calories, and resting calories. Resting calories are also called metabolic calories and this is the number of calories that your body will burn every day even if you don’t do any physical activity. The number of active calories will be calculated from the number of steps that you take, your weight, height, and age. The number of active calories will also be affected by any custom activities that you input into the app.
If you do an activity that can’t be tracked by your Leaf or Time because it’s not step-based or you forgot to wear your device, you can always input that activity manually.
To input an activity, you will need to press the “+ Add activity” button, choose an activity and choose the start and end times. The activity will appear as a card under your activity graph and it will display the start and end times, along with the number of calories burned.
Note: If you notice the number of your steps decreasing when you input an activity this way, you can find out more on why that is happening here.
The last portion of the activity screen will be the Share feature that you will find under the activity graph. When you want to share your achievements with your friends, you can tap the “Share” button and the Bellabeat app will display the number of your steps and active time for the day that you are sharing along with a motivational quote that you can share on your social networks or via a messaging app. Alternatively, you can snap your own photo and have it displayed rather than the quote.
This should be everything you need to know about the app's activity tracking feature!